On February 7, our group lost a member with the passing of Stan Perlman.
Like most of you, I got to know Stan through his regular attendance of our Zoom programs. His depth of knowledge on every subject astounded me. Those of you who joined us knew him as a master of our trivia segments.
I admired Stan’s resolve to not let his diagnosis define him as his illness progressed. Zooming with us from his treatment sessions, he participated like business as usual.
He was also eager to stay involved beyond Zoom, joining us on a boiling hot July day outing to Princeton Battlefield State Park. On the way, we enjoyed great conversation and like we all do as passengers, he volunteered directions as we wound our way through Princeton’s streets. GPS is not always accurate!
I already miss our Zooms and emoji-filled texts, but feel fortunate to have enjoyed Stan’s effervescent company and support over these past two years.